Community Projects in Kathmandu
HFN have a number of community projects set up in Kathmandu to help vulnerable children and women in poverty. Volunteers can get involved in these projects and help develop them.
Any Business skills would be a bonus, but just a heart to help is all that is needed.

1. Women’s Tailoring
A tailoring project to train marginalised women learn how to sew, cut cloth and make clothes has successfully started in Kathmandu. The aim of the project is to give these women an opportunity to make an income, support themselves and their children giving them hope, and a future. This is a very popular trade in Nepal, many garments are made and altered by seamstresses for the different Hindu festivals.
In 2019 sewing machines were purchased, a cutting table, material, and all the items needed for tailoring. Seven women were interviewed and elected for the training. All these women are either widows, single mums or struggling hard to support themselves and their children.
A training programmed started in November. When the training is complete the women will be offered the opportunity to start their own business by receiving a small microloan. Further funding is required to keep this program going and give more women the opportunity to learn tailoring skills.
Role of Volunteer
If you have sewing skills, to assist the women
To get involved in The Micro-finance program which aims to help these women start a small business
This will involve helping them with business planning, marketing and finance.
2. Destitute Young Adults
There are over 5000 street children in Nepal. The reason for the increase of children living on the street is due to more urbanization, migration, lack of family support, poverty, increasing unemployment, and abandonment. There is no government organization that is in place to help these children and get them off the streets. The street children get involved in prostitution for survival and due to the tough and unjust street life these children get involved in using tobacco, smoking cigarettes, injecting drugs and alcohol abuse., sanitation of their lifestyle. The street children depend upon the tourists for a way to survive but once the tourist season ends, they are left digging through dirt and collecting plastic as a way to survive. Due to lack of food, resident and cleaning, street children are covered with bed bugs and louses all over their entire bodies. As they sleep with dogs they suffer from various diseases. It is necessary to help rescue the street children by volunteering and helping towards the fight for the preservation of children rights.
The HFN has had a long-term program helping and supporting these children.
Project ‘Kapan destitute street youth drop in centre”
We are currently working on a grass route project for destitute youth in the local community. We have plans to build a new shelter, staffed by volunteers in the neighbour hood, where the children/youths can shelter and get food clothes and bedding. This project will require initial funding to get it up and running.
Currently we go to different areas to give out food and clothes, but our heart is to build this new centre for the children. We will then also be able to help these youths get off the street and start a new and different life.
Volunteers can get involved by
• Visiting and giving food to these youths
• Getting involved in the new project to help build a shelter and food kitchen