Sponsor a child
Sponsor a Child
Our sponsorship program is designed to assure sustainability for the children in Nepal and to promote a special long-term bond between the sponsor and the child. We ask our sponsors to consider supporting their child up to the age of 18. The consistent support we understand at times can be uncertain financially, and sometimes may be difficult so you may prefer to make a contribution to our general education fund or help in other ways. There are so many different ways you can help and change these children’s lives. -see options below.

Why Sponsor a Child’s Education?
Nepal is one of the world’s poorest countries with the 21st highest poverty rate. Half the population is jobless and many live on $1 US or less a day. In this condition it is very hard for families to send their children to school, so they never get the opportunity to gain an education and it is very difficult for them to achieve a better life for themselves. Education is paramount in helping the children of Nepal have a solid foundation have a better life and hope for their future.
Our sponsorship program
HFN is looking for sponsors for the children in its Children’s home in Kathmandu and also supports children in the community from single mother and impoverished families.
Sponsorship through HFN provides children with the invaluable opportunity to enter or remain in education and realise their full potential. Child sponsorship is the start of an incredible one-to-one relationship between you and child.
As a sponsor:
• You will receive an update on your sponsored child twice a year.
• You will receive photos, letters and/or artwork from your sponsored child.
• You can keep in touch with us regarding your child’s needs.
• You can build a loving relationship with your child for life
The children below are looking for sponsorship and there are many more.
Age : 8
I like studying and dream of being a nurse
Age : 14
I love to help in the house, and when I grow up I would like to be an accountant.
For details of more children’s profiles please contact David david_prasai@hotmail.com
Sponsoring a child’s Education-options
There are different options for sponsoring a child.
The cost for sponsoring a child in full time education ranges from $35 to $60 a month depending on age.
Cost for a child’s education at school: $30 (£23)
Cost for a student in college. (age 17,18): $40. (£30) A month
Cost for student at university: $60. (£44) A month
The above costs include the cost of fees, school admission, books, stationary, uniform and bag.
You can choose from the following:
- Full sponsorship from $30 a month
- Part sponsorship. $20
- Donation to uniform, books, stationary. $ 15. or $10 a month
- Single donation to education fund.
Some people like to sponsor a child fully in the children’s home.
This includes all the child’s costs of keeping them in the home.
It includes their education, clothes, food, shelter and care
Cost for child’s full care and education. $60. (£44) a month
To sponsor a child and for more information please contact David on David_prasai@hotmail.com
Frequently asked Questions
Does my money go directly to the Family/child?
Your monthly donation is handled by the Himalayan foundation who will pay the child’s school fees and uniform etc.
How long is my sponsorship commitment?
Your sponsorship is an ongoing commitment that helps your child overcome poverty. You can watch your child grow until they become independent. Sponsoring a child is like inviting another person into your family.
There is only one sponsor per child, and it is hoped you can fund them as long as you can through their education. If your financial circumstances change just let us know and we will look for another sponsor and initially keep your child’s funding going from a central pool.
How can I follow my child’s journey?
Yes, these are real children with real stories and real hearts.
Get to know your child through emails letters cards photos updates and more.
You can even visit your child.